Companies may have thousands of tangible assets that they manage on a daily basis providing revenue and growth to a business. Whether it is a fixed or mobile asset, we provide a complete on-site collection of the data that is beneficial to your company on those assets.

We can design, develop, and implement a plan that benefits your organizations stakeholder’s data requirements when it comes to these physical assets. Asset Data Collection Services (ADCS), working with your Data Management team, assures your data is captured accurately and efficiently based on your company’s project scope and requirements.
Businesses core operations are centered around the people they employ and the physical assets they work with daily, both generating revenue for their business. Typically, physical assets are shown as property, plant, and equipment (PPE) on a company’s balance sheet.
Asset Data Collection Services collects physical asset data for a multitude of business to meet a large variety of specifications. These institutions whether large or small all have a variety of tangible assets that need to be managing daily. Whether they are fixed or mobile, these assets need to be proactively maintained and tracked to provide revenue and growth to an organization.
Over the years many companies went by the adage of "just fix it when it breaks" or if it gets lost, we will just buy another. Today’s completive markets require businesses to be proactive with its assets. Tracking physical assets and having service schedules set up on equipment ensures you know where assets are at all times and that these assets are providing optimum performance.
Having this data collected and processed accurately keeps the functionality of this equipment and properties at their peak over the lifecycle of those assets ensuring businesses have a robust data repository.

In today’s completive market all size businesses need to know what their physical asset consists of and have a good tracking program in place to maintain and track these assets. Companies that implement a solid asset management program receive major benefits financially providing growth for organizations. The process of correctly collecting the data of these physical assets can be a time consuming process which can tie up much of a company’s inhouse resources. Therefore, Asset Data Collection Services provides the personnel that are trained and experienced to collect, tag and inventory your companies’ tangible assets.
All business entities require accurate data to make informed decisions daily. Maintenance departments need to have correct and up to date data on equipment for repairs and spare parts as well as warranty information. Accounting departments uses this information for accurate billing and tax payments, Strategic Planning teams needs to be fully aware of current assets for future project development. Environmental departments use equipment and property information for State and Federal compliance reporting.
Therefore, it is vital to have a company that can work alongside your organization’s asset management team or solution provider to help design and implement a data collection process that is specifically tailored to meet your business needs.
Our services build, repair, optimize, and improve a company’s tangible field data which is needed for operations and maintenance of a businesses (PPE). If your organization has recently acquired new properties, looking to build out a new data base of critical assets, or working to collect equipment data for regulatory compliance reporting. It is critical the information which gets collected, be done accurately, be up to date, and kept current. ADCS technical team will physically visit assets in the field and conducts thorough walkdowns of all assets that have been deemed critical and necessary.
Our approach to any physical data collection projects aligns the established data standards and collection methodology to ensure the full process gives the desired outcome. When you have a data registry with correct and accurate data it greatly improves the use of this data by stakeholders across a company. Our services give clients a detailed physical on-site collection of their interests, providing companies trusted and quality information for any type of asset management project.
Whether your tangible assets are in the field, facility, warehouse, or are mobile, information collected on these assets need to be kept current over the lifecycle of a given asset. This includes the placement of those assets through a proper tracking initiative.
Implementation of a solid tracking program on valuable individual assets using bar codes, RFID, or GPS devices not only saves time, it also saves money. Assets over their lifecycle move from place to place, can be de-commissioned, and even lost. Tagging these assets gives companies the ability to implement a maintenance program to ensure longer life, know where an asset is currently located and where it has been, understand what equipment is out of service and available for use or decommissioned, as well what items they have in inventory.
When collecting and identifying properties during the walkdown process, Asset Data Collection Services can install tracking devices on equipment or property with the critical information to be included when read by the electronic reader. Having this information easily accessible makes it much easier for those assets to identified, tracked and properly categorized.

Let us know how we can help you collect asset data for your company or business. Simply fill out the form below.